RADIOMAGAZINE AWR del 17 febbraio 2002
Salve amici al microfono Dario Villani …
Un nuovo 'verme' che cerca di insinuarsi nei computer mascherato da un
indirizzo Internet che contiene foto di una festa ha fatto il suo debutto
lunedì mattina in Asia e ha cominciato a diffondersi in Europa e in parte del
Nordamerica. L'allarme è stato dato dagli esperti di computer, che hanno
battezzato il nuovo arrivato 'My Party'.
Il verme, che non è considerato distruttivo, si
infiltra nei computer come i tanti altri che lo hanno preceduto attraverso i
diffusissimi programmi di posta elettronica Microsoft Windows Address Book e
Outlook Express.
'My Party' arriva come un messaggio di posta
elettronica mandato da un collega o un amico. L'Antivirus Trend Micro lo
qualifica come una minaccia di rischio medio per i computer, e anche diverse
aziende che si occupano di programmi per la sicurezza informatica sostengono
che i danni di 'My Party' sono decisamente inferiori rispetto a quelli di altri
'vermi' che arrivavano per e-mail, da 'Nimda' a 'Sircam'.
L'e-mail arriva con la dicitura, alla voce
'oggetto', "new photos from my party!". Contiene poi un allegato
all'indirizzo Il messaggio nel corpo dell'e-mail dice
(in inglese): "Salve! La festa…è stata assolutamente incredibile! In allegato
la mia pagina web con le nuove foto! Se puoi, stampale a colori. Grazie!.
Graham Cluley, consulente tecnologico della Sophos
Anti-Virus, ha detto che il fatto che l'allegato sembri un autentico link del
popolare portale Yahoo! e che sembri inviato da una persona conosciuta dà
comunque a questo 'verme' un'alta facilità di diffusione.
Ian Hamroff, direttore dei programmi antivirus
della Computers Associates, ha detto alla CNN che si tratta di un altro esempio
di "ingegneria sociale" ovvero di tecniche usate per prendere in giro
la gente. Nel passato, i virus arrivati per e-mail promettevano cose come foto
stuzzicanti e informazioni personali.
"La gente non dovrebbe mai abbassare la
guardia, neanche se sembra tutto a posto", ha detto Hamroff. La Sophos ha
detto di aver ricevuto informazioni di computer infettati da 'My Party'
dall'Asia, Medio Oriente ed Europa.
New York, 5 feb. - - Per Windows XP sono in arrivo altre due
nuove patch e cosi' la Microsoft prosegue nell'affinamento del nuovo sistema
operativo. Gli aggiornamenti si possono scaricare dal sito del colosso
statunitense e migliorano la compatibiliti' con i giochi, il primo, e la
funzionalita' di masterizzazione integrata, il secondo. La problematica viene
risolta senza modificare i file di sistema. L'altro file, invece e' rivolto
alle edizioni Professional e Home Edition del sistema operativo ed e' stata
necessaria in quanto, nonostante l'operazione di scrittura finisca
correttamente, praticamente sul disco non compare il materiale scritto. (Nm/Mak/Adnkronos)
una causa contro Microsoft |
Netscape ha citato in giudizio Microsoft con gli stessi argomenti utilizzati
dal dipartimento della Giustizia Usa, accusando in sostanza la società di Bill
Gates di pratiche monopolistiche.
Netscape - unità di Aol Time Warner, il gruppo al
quale appartiene anche CNN, che con il gruppo L'Espresso ha dato vita a
CNNitalia - ha presentato denuncia nel distretto di Columbia sostenendo che
Microsoft le ha arrecato danno con una serie di azioni illegali volte a
promuovere il suo browser, Internet Explorer, a discapito di Netscape
Pur senza specificare l'ammontare dei danni
richiesti, Netscape ha fatto sapere che cercherà di "recuperare tute le
perdite subite, (triplicate) come previsto dalla legge". Così come
cercherà di ottenere "assistenza adeguata al fine di eliminare i
perduranti effetti della condotta illegale di Microsoft e di ripristinare la concorrenza
venuta meno a causa di tale condotta illegale sul mercato dei sistemi operativi
e su quello dei browser".
Netscape sostiene anche che la politica del colosso
di Gates continua a danneggiare la società.
Per il momento non ci sono commenti da parte di
Quella intentata da Netscape è l'ultima di una
serie di cause contro Microsoft, al centro di complesse vicende giudiziarie in
parte ancora da risolvere.
YORK -- Un portavoce di Aol Time Warner
ha smentito che l'azienda abbia avviato trattative per l'acquisto di Red Hat,
il più grande distributore del sistema operativo Linux.
notizia era stata diffusa sabato dal quotidiano statunitense Washington Post,
che aveva citato fonti anonime.
Washington Post non è esatto - ha detto il portavoce - Aol non è in trattative
con Red Hat".
diversi analisti di Wall Street avevano predetto che una fusione tra le due
aziende sarebbe stata improbabile, aggiungendo però che ci sarebbero state
diverse opportunità di collaborazione.
Time Warner è il gruppo editoriale proprietario di CNN, l'azienda che assieme
al gruppo Espresso ha dato vita al sito di CNNitalia.
ultimi anni Linux è emerso come possibile alternativa al diffusissimo Windows
della Microsoft. Si tratta infatti di un sistema operativo a "codice
aperto" (open source). Questo significa che il codice (o sorgente) che è
alla base del sistema è accessibile a ogni utente per essere visualizzato e
ha trovato un suo "mercato" specialmente in quelle macchine che
fungono da server, vale a dire computer piuttosto potenti utilizzati in
molteplici attività: dalla memorizzazione dei numeri di carte di credito
all'archiviazione delle pagine web.
colossi del mondo dell'informatica come Compaq e Hewlett-Packard hanno iniziato
a interessarsi al mondo Linux.
compagnie che hanno sostenuto la diffusione di Linux negli ultimi anni,
tuttavia, non hanno avuto vita facile per quanta riguarda i profitti: Va Linux,
ad esempio, dopo un esaltante debutto in borsa, si è vista costretta a ridurre
notevolmente la gamma dei propri prodotti.
utenti Linux al momento rappresentano una fetta minima del mercato.
questo la Red Hat è sopravvissuta, diventando l'azienda leader nella
distribuzione di Linux, soprattutto nel mercato dei Web server, grazie anche ai
manuali tecnici e ai servizi di assistenza che offre.
nonostante abbia iniziato a occuparsi anche di altre settori, come lo sviluppo
di applicazioni personalizzate, di gestione di database e di commercio
elettronico, non ha ancora registrato profitti. Nell'ultimo trimestre ha
infatti riportato una perdita di 15 milioni di dollari ma pur sempre un
miglioramento rispetto ai 55,3 del precedente trimestre
Roma, 26 gen. - Funzionera' solo con i terminali UMTS come un grande juke box
multimediale in cui ricercare e attingere brani musicali e video. Lo ha
presentato un'insolita 'squadra', formata da un operatore telefonico (Orange),
una casa discografica (BMG), un costruttore di hardware(Compaq), una
multinazionale di servizi (IBM).
York, 18 gen. - Il mercato dell'hardware interessa sempre
meno Ibm, leader mondiale nella vendita di software. Lo ha spiegato Louis
Gerstner, presidente e ceo della societa'. Gerstner ha annunciato che Ibm
avviera' un processo di progressiva uscita dal mercato dei personal computer.
In realta' questo processo ha avuto inizio nel 1999 quando la societa' decise
di produrre computer solo per le aziende, ponendo fine alla produzione
destinata al dettaglio. Adesso, considerato che tale settore non e' poi cosi'
redditizio, Ibm ha deciso di incentrare integralmente il proprio modello di
business sulla produzione di servizi di gestione e consultazione di dati.
Milano, 18 gen. - - Il fatturato di Microsoft in Europa e'
stato di 1,42 mld di dollari, lievemente inferiore rispetto al risultato dello
stesso periodo dello scorso anno pari a 1,43 mld di dollari. Cio' e' dovuto in
parte all'indebolimento delle valute locali e alla congiuntura economica che
stanno colpendo i mercati in Europa e in Asia. ''Microsoft in Italia ha avuto
una crescita del volume d'affari superiore alla media europea -ha dichiarato
Mauro Meanti, ad di Microsoft in Italia- i fattori che hanno maggiormente
contribuito a questi risultati sono stati il successo delle vendite di Windows
XP, con 850 mila copie a soli due mesi dal lancio, la continua adozione da
parte delle aziende di ogni dimensione della piattaforma Server Microsoft e
l'andamento positivo delle vendite di Office XP''. ''Nel prossimo trimestre, il
14 marzo 2002, sara' rilasciato anche sul mercato italiano il sistema di
videogiochi Xbox, che negli Stati Uniti ha gia' riscosso un ottimo successo con
oltre 1,5 mln di unita' vendute. Sempre nel corso del trimestre -ha proseguito
Meanti- saranno resi disponibili nuovi strumenti che consentiranno alla
comunita' degli sviluppatori e alle aziende di realizzare soluzioni e
applicazioni per la nuova generazione di Internet, basate sulla piattaforma
Microsoft.NET'' . Microsoft Corp. ha annunciato un fatturato di 7,74 mld di
dollari per il trimestre terminato il 31 dicembre 2001, con un incremento del
18% rispetto ai 6,55 mld di dollari registrati nello stesso periodo dell'anno
precedente. L'utile operativo e' stato pari a 2,84 mld di dollari, dedotti 660
mln di dollari accantonati per spese legali. Dedotti tali oneri, l'utile netto
risulta pari a 2,28 mld di dollari. L'utile per azione per il trimestre si
attesta a 0,41 dollari una volta sottratti 0,08 dollari imputabili alla stima
delle spese legali.
Milano, 19 gen. - Un sito dedicato all'olocausto e totalmente in italiano e' stato
realizzato all'indirizzo Interamente dedicato allo studio della
storia della Shoah., il sito permette all'utente di percorrere attraverso vari
approfondimenti l'excursus storico sulla persecuzione degli ebrei da parte dei
nazisti. Presente una nutrita documentazione fotografica originale, con una
particolare attenzione per gli studenti. (Nm/Mak/Adnkronos)
Los Angeles, 24 gen. - Il cyber spazio istiga alla violenza. Per questo il consiglio
comunale di Los Angeles da oggi non concedera' nuovi permessi di apertura di
''internet cafe''' nel sobborgo di Garden Grove ed ha imposto ai locali gia'
esistenti il divieto di ospitare dopo le ore 20 dei giorni della settimana e le
22 del weekend, minorenni non accompagnati dai genitori. La ragione della
decisione e' che i luoghi dedicati al cyber spazio sono stati per mesi teatro
di episodi di violenza. (Rol/Pe/Adnkronos)
Londra, 1 feb. - Un sito, in lingua
inglese, dedicato al mondo della filatelia. Questo l'argomento principale di che presenta anche ampi spazi di incontro per collezionisti.
All'interno del sito si possono ottenere le notizie utili sulle rarita' e come
reperirle, sui musei (che Stamp2 permette in alcuni casi di visitare
virtualmente), sulla bibliografia specializzata, nonche' i link di tutte le
associazioni filateliche presenti anche sul Web. (Nm/Mak/Adnkronos).
TECNOLOGIA -- La nuova versione Internet del blasonato dizionario Oxford si è
arricchita di centinaia di nuovi lemmi entrati ormai a far parte della lingua
del Ventunesimo secolo. Da marzo del 2000, le nuove parole aggiunte sono oltre
Per la maggior parte sono termini legati alle nuove
tecnologie o ai nuovi stili di vita: si va da karoshi, per indicare la
"morte provocata da un eccessivo carico di lavoro", a hot-link, un
"link ipertestuale che permette di collegare documenti e applicazioni e fa
sì che i dati da una fonte vengano incorporati nell'altra".
Ma non è solo la nuova tecnologia a plasmare e
rinnovare la lingua. Ecco allora che l'Oxford online, versione 2002, testimonia
dell'ondata New Age e della nuova spiritualità registrando come termini entrati
nella lingua quotidiana "dosha", "pitta" o
"kapha", gli umori o spiriti essenziali dell'ayurveda, la medicina
tradizionale indiana.
E sull'ultima edizione in rete compaiono anche termini
come "girl-power", "ecoturismo", "home cinema" e
Il dizionario Oxford è stato arricchito anche di un
motore di ricerca che permette di ricercare le parole in maniera altamente
specifica. Un esempio? E' possibile rintracciare tutte le parole di origine
giapponese che sono entrate a far parte della lingua inglese nel sedicesimo
Provare per credere, all'indirizzo Il
giro di prova è gratuito, ma l'accesso al dizionario completo è a pagamento.
Citta' del Vaticano, 22 gen. - La Chiesa
crede che sia possibile che il ''meraviglioso strumento'' di Internet,
''concepito in origine nell'ambito di operazioni militari, possa ora servire la
causa della pace'' e che possa promuovere ''quella cultura di dialogo, di
partecipazione, di solidarieta' e di riconciliazione senza la quale la pace non
puo' fiorire''. Il Papa ha dedicato questo passaggio alla guerra nel suo
Messaggio per la ventiseiesima Giornata mondiale per le comunicazioni sociali,
in programma il 12 maggio, incentrata quest'anno su ''Internet: un nuovo forum
per proclamare il Vangelo''. Nell'esortare la Chiesa a ''varcare
coraggiosamente questa nuova soglia, per 'prendere il largo' nella Rete, il Papa
ha chiesto di trovare soluzioni ai divari esistenti fra vari Paesi nell'accesso
alle informazioni e alla tecnologia e ha sottolineato valore e portata della
''mutazione antropologica'' avvenuta con la rete. ''Internet -e' la sua
riflessione- ridefinisce in modo radicale il rapporto psicologico di una
persona con lo spazio e con il tempo''. ''Puo' venire a mancare lo stimolo a un
pensiero e a una riflessione piu' profondi -aggiunge- mentre gli esseri umani
hanno bisogno vitale di tempo e di tranquillita' interiore per ponderare ed
esaminare la vita e i suoi misteri e per acquisire gradualmente un maturo
dominio di se' e del mondo che li circonda''.
WASHINGTON -- Più della metà degli americani ha ormai
una sua connessione a internet. A rivelarlo è stato mercoledì il Dipartimento per
il Commercio degli Stati Uniti diffondendo i risultati di un suo recente
Secondo questa ricerca gli americani che navigano
su internet erano a settembre del 2001 ben 143 milioni - circa il 54 per cento
della popolazione complessiva - mentre la crescita si aggirerebbe intorno ai
due milioni di nuovi utenti al mese.
Un altro dato rilevante che emerge dallo studio è
quello che rivela come il 90 per cento dei bambini tra i 5 e i 17 anni - più di
47 milioni di individui - usi ormai regolarmente il computer a casa o a scuola.
Circa il 75 per cento dei ragazzini tra i 14 e i 17
anni e il 65 per cento di quelli tra i 10 e i 13 anni usano internet.
Tra le famiglie che hanno una connessione alla rete
prevalgono quelle che al proprio interno comprendono persone di età inferiore
ai 18 anni.
Cambio di guardia ai vertici della TWR
David G.Tucker ha sostituito Thomas J.Lowell alla
presidenza della TWR una delle più grandi emittenti evangeliche del mondo, il
cui numero di lingue utilizzate è di gran lunga superiore a quelle di BBC, VOA,
R.Cina e Radio Russia messe insieme. Per molti versi simile queste due figure
provenienti da attività lavorative molto remunerative e poi votatesi
Dal Communications World VOA Script: 19 January 2002
U.S. funded Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, based in Prague,
has been in the news lately. Most of the reports about RFE/RL have to do with
requests by Czech government authorities that RFE/RL move its headquarters out
of central Prague for security reasons. RFE/RL's services include Radio Free
Iraq and a Persian-language to Iran, and it may also soon revive its Radio Free
Afghanistan broadcasts.
E’ giunta la cartolina QSL di
Voice of Tibet
quale emittente clandestina è apparso un articolo sul numero di novembre del
Radio Notizie la rivista trimestrale
del GARS. L’ascolto è stato realizzato il 6 gennaio alle 12.15 utc su 15670
kHz. La QSL non è arivata dalla Norvegia ma dall’India ovvero da Voice of Tibet
editor in Chief, Narthang Buliding, Gangchen Kuishong Dharamsala 176215 Hp.
India. Dettagli sul RadioNotizie numero 192, richiedibile a Giovanni Sergi via
Crotone 33 98010 Camaro Inferiore Messina.
Communications World Script: 2 February 2002
Free Afghanistan began broadcasting this past Wednesday, in the Pashto and Dari
languages. It is part of U.S. funded Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, based in
Prague. This is actually a revival of the Radio Free Afghanistan, which existed
as part of RFE/RL in Munich, its previous location, from 1985 to 1993.
an opening ceremony in Prague, RFE/RL president Thomas Dine said, quote,
"after three decades of war and misery and a near total blackout on
information, we believe that the people in Afghanistan will welcome the chance
to hear accurate, objective and comprehensive news about local
developments." [See RFE/RL news release.]
appropriation bill including funds for the new Radio Free Afghanistan was
passed by Congress and signed by President Bush. However, a bill including
authorization of the new service has not yet been approved by either the House
or the Senate, due to a holdup caused by a provision unrelated to Radio Free
Afghanistan. Work on new shortwave transmitters in Kuwait, which will be used
by Radio Free Afghanistan, cannot proceed until that authorization is approved.
This will probably happen within the next few weeks, as there is wide
bipartisan support for the creation of Radio Free Afghanistan. The shortwave
transmitters in Kuwait will be at the site of VOA's present medium wave relay
in that country.
schedule for Radio Free Afghanstan, from other transmitter sites until Kuwait
is finally built, is 13 to 14 UTC on 11920, 15525, and 17725; with a repeat at
17 to 18 on 6170, 9785, and 711920; and another at 3 to 4 on 7230, 15345, and
17725. The first half of each hour is in Pahsto, the second half in Dari.
Monday, President Bush and Chairman Hamid Karzai, provisional leader of
Afghanistan, issued a joint
statement about a new partnership between the two countries.
The partnership includes an agreement that the Voice of America will expand its
broadcast of Afghan news throughout Afghanistan. VOA and other international
partners will also work with Afghanistan to develop the country's media
capacity. Radio Free Afghanistan was not mentioned by name in the joint
of the international partners that will help reconstruct Afghan media is the
BBC. An article in the
London Guardian last Sunday said that the United Nations has asked a BBC team
to prepare a report on what's needed for the reconstruction of Afghanistan's
media. The findings of the report will be presented to a meeting of countries
that will provide major funding for war recovery and development in Afghanistan.
are several media projects in the works in Afghanistan, according to reports
culled by BBC Monitoring. A British television broadcaster who formerly worked
for Sky TV wants to set up a "Good Morning Afghanistan" program on
Radio Afghanistan. This would be modeled after the American television program
"Good Morning America" and will include news, sports, weather, and
various features.
Communications World Script: 19 January 2002 KIM: U.S. funded Radio Free
Europe/Radio Liberty, based in Prague, has been in the news
lately. Most of the reports about RFE/RL have to do with requests by Czech
government authorities that RFE/RL move its headquarters out of central Prague
for security reasons. RFE/RL's services include Radio Free Iraq and a
Persian-language to Iran, and it may also soon revive its Radio Free
Afghanistan broadcasts.
Communications World Script: 26 January 2002
HCJB, the
Protestant evangelical international broadcaster based in Quito, Ecuador, will
end its French-language shortwave broadcasts on March 26th. The last French
broadcast will be at 20 UTC that day. Curt Cole, director of HCJB's Latin
American Region, said that a recent survey confirmed a diminishing
French-language shortwave audience. One of the families involved with HCJB's
French programming has moved to Cote d'Ivoire, and another will move to France,
to work on HCJB programs to be placed on local radio stations.
Allen Graham,
host of HCJB's DX Party Line, tells me that his station has changed its
frequency for English to South Asia. At 2330 UTC, the new frequency is 12035
kilohertz, replacing 11785, which was suffering from interference. That's new
12035 at 2330 for HCJB English to South Asia. Allen says that reception reports
from listeners in the region would be appreciated. If you have e-mail, send
them to .
es un programa
semanal de
28' que producen Alfonso Montealegre y Jaime Báguena.
Es un espacio informativo sobre temas del mundo
de los medios de comunicación y la escucha de emisoras de onda corta, con la
colaboración de corresponsales especializados.
Radio Enlace se emite los viernes con repetición los
Además, en 14370 BLI,
alrededor de las 03, Radio Continental, captada por Terry Krueger, Florida,
Tocobaga DX.
peruana es Radiodifusora Comercial, descubierta en 6324.6 por Rafael Rodríguez,
Colombia, el 21 de diciembre hasta las 2345 y nuevamente a las 10. Y también
por Björn Malm, Ecuador, a las 2355 en 6324.34 kilohercios, que se llama
también ``La Voz del Vecino``, desde Nueva Cajamarca.
Escuchada en 6673.87, Radio Súper Nueva Sensación,
Huancabamba, Perú, a la 01, según Björn Malm, Ecuador, SW-Boletín.
escucha a Radio María Ecuador en 3279.5, es un prueba a través de La Voz del
Napo, por ejemplo a las 0830, informa Rafael Rodríguez, Colombia, Conexión
Digital. Agrega Björn Malm que Radio María desea comprar la frecuencia, no la
ESTADOS UNIDOS:Probando desde el 24 de diciembre es la nueva onda corta en
Manchester, Tennessee, WWRB, Worldwide Radio Broadcasting. Es un proyecto de
David Frantz, para reemplazar a su emisora anterior, WWFV en Georgia. La nueva WWRB se encuentra en
las frecuencias anteriores de WWFV, es decir 12172, 9320, 6890 y 5085.
ZIMBABWE non:Debido a la falta de prensa
libre en Zimbabwe, se inauguró una nueva emisora clandestina, SW Radio Africa,
desde Londres, y transmitida a través de Sudáfrica, en 6145 entre las 16 y 19
CONGO RD non:Por no funcionar el transmisor
en onda corta, la RTNC de Congo- Kinshasa llegó a un acuerdo para transmitir su
servicio doméstico a través de África Número Uno en Gabón, en este esquema que
nos informa el Monitor de la BBC: 04 a 06 y 16 a 19 en 9770.
E adesso una recensione del WRTH:
Da Roberto
Pavanello un cordiale saluto a tutti gli ascoltatori della AWR Europe.
Qualche settimana
fa come ogni anno, è uscita una nuova
edizione, la 56esima del World Radio & TV Handbook, quella che il mitico
Nazario Salvatori del Club DX della Deutschlandfunk definiva giustamente, la
Bibbia del radioascolto. L’edizione del 2002 del WRTH è un volume di ben 682
pagine, come sempre le prime sono dedicate alla rassegna dei nuovi ricevitori e
ad alcuni articoli monotematici fra cui alcuni alla radio digitale, e uno alla
ricezione delle onde lunghe, insomma il futuro e il passato della radio. A
pagina 79, inizia con l’Afghanistan, la lista dei servizi nazionali cosiddetti
home service, l’Italia è a pagina 247 e lì vengono elencati tutti i servizi
della RAI, quella della RAS l’emittente del Tirolo per la minoranza tedesca
dell’Alto Adige, le stazioni private in onde medie e corte, i network nazionali
in FM e le stazioni della South AF Europe BC, l’emittente per i militari
statunitensi in Italia. Da pag.412 a pag. 484, sono invece rielencate in ordine
di frequenza, tutte le stazioni del mondo su onde lunghe lunghe e medie. A
pag.485 inizia la lista delle emittenti internazionali, si parte dalla Voice of
Sharia, la distrutta emittente dei talebani, per finire per l’emittente
clandestina a pag. 486 dello Zimbabwe, Voice of People. E’ interessante notare
che quest’anno, per la prima volta il WRTH riporta infatti oltre le emittenti
ufficiali anche quelle clandestine. Le emittenti internazionali italiane sono
indicate a pag.522 e 523, anche qui si inizia con RAI International e si
prosegue con la National Broadcasting Association, da Milano, e si chiude con
le frequenze ed orari della AWR Europe. Segue a partire da pag. 577 la lista in
ordine di frequenza di tutti i trasmettitori del mondo in onde corte e quindi
ci sono gli orari internazionali per l’estero in inglese, francese, tedesco e
spagnolo, manca purtroppo l’italiano. Si termina con le emittenti televeisive
che sono elencate a partire dalla pag.629, o meglio con l’eneco dei club di
radioascolto di tutto il mondo compreso naturalmente anche quelli italiani. Chi
volesse venire in possesso di una copia del WRTH, può chiedere informazioni
all’importatore italiano dello stesso, il cui indirizzo è:
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BENIN 7210.29, R Benin, at 0520, mx, talk in lang, talk in Fr after
0545, finally (after days of trying) a full ID at 0545 "La voix de la
nationale, la chaine nationale du Radiodiffusion R Benin", plus telephone
number, and ID again at 0549, mentions of Benin; splash from Belarus not
too bad tonight until about 0550, crushed by BBC at 0559:50.
(Ralph Brandi-NJ-USA, SWBC via DXLD Jan 17)
GERMANY DTK Juelich Operational schedule of Jan 7, 2002
B01 startstop ciraf azi type day from to broad
6120 0000-0100 7,8,9 295 216 1234567 281001-310302 LRT
5975 0900-1500 28 60 106 1234567 281001-310302 DRM
11795 0500-0559 47S,52 160 216 1234567 281001-310302 ECC
13810 1800-1900 46,47,52 160 216 123456 281001-310302 ECC
13810 1800-2130 46,47,52 160 216 7 281001-310302 ECC
9430 2330-0030 49,41 80 217 1234567 281001-310302 DVB
17805 1455-1530 49,41 70 218 1234567 281001-310302 DVB
6045 0958-1100 27,28 ND 926 1 281001-310302 EVR
6015 1830-1859 27,28 ND 926 4 281001-310302 EVR anW
15700 1600-1629 48 125 217 47 281001-310302 TIS
15715 1700-1759 38,39,48 145 218 146 281001-310302 SBO anN
5985 1000-1059 27,28 115 206 1 281001-310302 CHW
21590 1230-1329 41 90 218 1234567 281001-310302 TBC
9405 2230-2330 37,38 190 106 1234567 091101-310302 IBR
9425 1645-1715 39,40 80 217 1234567 151201-310302 IBR
15530 1630-1659 38,47,48 125 218 36 281001-310302 DTK
11840 1830-1859 52,53 145 206 5 281001-310302 RRP
15670 1600-1659 38,47,48 125 218 15 281001-310302 DTK
21550 0700-0759 38,47,48 145 217 1 281001-310302 DTK
11840 1830-1929 47,48 145 206 4 281001-310302 DTK
5925 1500-1559 27,28 ND 926 7 281001-310302 DTK
15670 1700-1759 38,39,48 140 218 25 281001-310302 DTK anN
6180 0900-0959 27,28 ND 976 7 281001-310302 DTK
11840 1900-1959 47,48 145 206 6 281001-310302 DTK
15530 1600-1629 37,38,46,47 175 141 1 251101-310302 UNL franz.
9435 0100-0129 41 90 217 1 281001-310302 UNL engl.
6015 1730-1759 27,28 ND 926 345 281001-310302 UNL deut.
11840 1800-1829 46,47,48 145 206 1 281001-310302 UNL engl.
6110 1215-1315 27,28 290 106 1,7 151201-030102 RHM *
6110 1215-1315 27,28 295 216 1,7 040102-310302 RHM *
6125 0200-0259 7,8,9 295 216 4 151201-310302 RHM
13810 1400-1559 38,39 115 217 1234567 281001-030102 TOM *
6110 1325-1725 27 290 106 123457 281001-030102 TOM *
6110 1325-1650 27 290 106 6 281001-030102 TOM *
6110 1650-1725 27 300 216 6 151201-030102 TOM anW*
5975 0900-1459 27 290 106 1234567 040102-310302 TOM *
6110 1500-1655 27 290 106 7 050102-310302 TOM *
6110 1655-1800 27 300 216 7 120102-030102 TOM anW*
9490 0357-0559 47,48,52,53 160 216 23456 281001-310302 RTB
9490 0527-0559 47,48,52,53 160 216 17 281001-310302 RTB
17580 0600-0812 47,48,52,53 160 216 23456 281001-310302 RTB
17580 0600-1059 47,48,52,53 160 216 7 281001-310302 RTB
17580 0600-0906 47,48,52,53 160 216 1 281001-310302 RTB
21565 1057-1306 47,48,52,53 160 216 23456 281001-310302 RTB
21565 1100-1217 47,48,52,53 160 216 7 281001-310302 RTB
21565 1157-1217 47,48,52,53 160 216 1 281001-310302 RTB
17570 1557-1816 47,48,52,53 160 216 123456 281001-310302 RTB
17570 1657-1816 47,48,52,53 160 216 7 281001-310302 RTB
21590 0700-1200 38,39 115 217 1234567 281001-310302 VOH
15715 1200-1300 38,39 115 217 1234567 051101-310302 VOH
15715 1300-1500 38,39 115 217 1234567 051101-310302 VOH
15715 1500-1559 38,39 115 217 1234567 051101-060102 VOH *
15715 1500-1659 39,40 115 217 1234567 070102-310302 VOH *
15715 1600-1659 47,48 130 217 1234567 281001-060102 VOH *
13810 1600-1659 38,47,48 145 216 1234567 070102-310302 VOH *
9405 1700-2000 38,39 120 216 1234567 281001-310302 VOH
15775 1330-1535 40,41 90 217 1234567 281001-310302 VOH
5975 0700-0900 27,28 290 106 1234567 281001-310302 VOH
9815 1700-1900 29,30 80 218 1234567 151201-310302 VOH
15750 1330-1430 49,50 70 218 1234567 071101-310302 VOH
11645 0400-0559 38,48,53 145 216 1234567 101201-310302 UMC
9535 0400-0559 46,47,52,53 160 216 1234567 281001-310302 UMC
13820 1700-1859 38,48,53 145 217 1234567 281001-310302 UMC
11735 1700-1859 46,47,52,53 160 216 1234567 281001-310302 UMC
13855 1600-1700 47,48 145 216 1234567 281001-060102 YFR *
13855 1700-1800 47,48 145 216 1234567 281001-060102 YFR *
13855 1600-1800 47,48 145 216 1234567 070102-310302 YFR *
13855 1800-2100 47,48,52,53 160 216 1234567 281001-310302 YFR
13820 1900-2200 46 200 216 1234567 171201-310302 YFR anW
9470 1700-1900 29,30 60 218 1234567 091101-310302 YFR
11925 1900-2000 39,40 115 216 1234567 281001-310302 YFR
9925 0000-0159 11-16 230 218 1234567 281001-310302 HRT
9925 0200-0359 6-10 300 216 1234567 281001-310302 HRT
9925 0400-0559 2-10 325 216 1234567 281001-310302 HRT
9470 0600-0759 55,59,60 230 218 1234567 281001-310302 HRT
13820 0800-0959 58,59,60 270 218 1234567 281001-310302 HRT
6140 0600-1555 27,28 130 216 1234567 281001-310302 DWL
6140 1555-1900 27,28 130 216 1234567 281001-310302 DWL anW
6045 1127-1325 18S,27,28NW ND 926 1234567 281001-310302 DWL(RNW2)
13685 0557-0756 27,28,37-40 115 217 1234567 281001-310302 VRT
5985 0757-0826 27,28 ND 926 1234567 281001-310302 VRT
13710 1827-1956 27,28,37-39 115 217 1234567 281001-310302 VRT
5910 1857-2056 27,28 ND 926 7 281001-310302 VRT
9885 0500-0600 28,29,38,3915S 217 1234567 281001-310302 AWR
11905 0600-0730 37,38,46 200 216 1234567 281001-310302 AWR
15195 1000-1100 28,38 145 216 17 281001-310302 AWR
5840 1700-1759 28,29,38,39 115 206 123456 281001-310302 AWR
5840 1700-1759 28,29,38,39 115 106 7 281001-310302 AWR
12015 1800-1859 28,29,38,39 115 217 1234567 281001-310302 AWR
11845 1900-2030 37,38,46 200 106 1234567 281001-310302 AWR
13635 0555-0800 37S,38W,46 200 216 1234567 281001-310302 SRI
9885 0555-0800 37S,38 160 216 1234567 281001-310302 SRI
9605 1625-1815 28,38E,39 115 217 1234567 281001-310302 SRI
13790 1625-1815 38,39 115 217 1234567 281001-310302 SRI
9605 1825-2130 37S,38W,46 200 216 1234567 281001-310302 SRI
15485 1825-2130 38,48,53 145 217 1234567 281001-310302 SRI
13660 1825-2130 47,52,53,57 160 216 1234567 281001-310302 SRI SOT
17665 0555-0800 47,52,53,57 160 216 1234567 281001-310302 SRI SOT
21770 0825-1030 47,52,53,57 160 216 1234567 281001-310302 SRI SOT
15555 1625-1815 38,39,48 145 217 1234567 281001-310302 SRI SOT
9885 2155-2400 13-16 240 218 1234567 281001-310302 SRI SOT
7340 1130-1200 28 105 216 7 281001-310302 TWR
5945 1327-1345 28 130 206 1234567 281001-310302 TWR
7315 1657-1745 28 125 218 7 281001-310302 TWR anN
5945 1657-1745 28 115 206 7 281001-310302 TWR
6180 1600-1659 39,40 70 211 1234567 151201-310302 IBB
6055 1500-1600 29,30 75 216 1234567 281201-310302 IBB *
7105 1600-1700 29,30 70 212 1234567 281201-310302 IBB *
11720 1800-1829 39 115 217 56 281001-310302 FEB anW$
250kW from DTK Wertachtal !
anN = Operation via DTK Nauen tx location, 125 kW
anW = Operation via DTK Wertachtal tx location, 125 kW,
$ except 250 kW of power for FEBC relay.
* changes + active on demand # momentary not active
1=Sun, 2=Mon ... 6=Fri, 7=Sat
AWR Adventist World Radio
CHW Christliche Wissenschaft
DTK Deutsche Telekom
DVB Democratic Voice of Burma
DWL Deutsche Welle
DLF Deutschlandfunk
DLR DeutschlandRadio
ECC Radio Ecclesia
EVR Evangeliums Radio Hamburg
FEB Far East Broadcasting Company, Philippines
HRT Hrvratska Radio Televizija
HLR Hamburger Lokalradio
IBB International Broadcast Bureau
IBR IBRA Radio Sweden
INF Inforadio
LRT Radio Vilnius Lithuania
MWH Missionswerk Heukelbach
RHM Remnants Hope Ministry
RNW Radio Netherlands World Service
RRP Radio Reveil Paroles de Vie
RSU Radio Sunshine
RTB Radio Television Belge de la communaute Francaise
SBO Sagalee Bilisummaa Oromoo
SRI Swiss Radio International
TBC Tamil Broadcasting Corporation
TIS Tigrean International Solidarity for Justice and Democracy
TOM The Overcomer Broadcast
TWR Trans World Radio
UMC The United Methodist Church
UNL Universelles Leben
VOH High Adventure Ministries - The Voice of Hope (ex HAM)
VRT Vlaamse Radio en Televisie (ex RVI)
YFR WYFR Family Radio
(DTK via WWDXC BC-DX, Jan 17)
ICELAND New freqs for the SW relays of the Icelandic National Bcing Sce
RUV: EUR at 1215-1300 on 13865, 1755-1825 on 12120; NoAM 1410-1440 & 1835-
1905 on 13865, 2300-2335 on 12120 kHz. (Bernd Trutenau-LTU, BC-DX Jan 24)
In late Dec, the SW relays of the Icelandic National Bcing Service (RUV)
returned to the air after an absence of several months. The future of
these txions is uncertain, and this might be a last chance for DXers to
report this stn on SW. A final decision on the future of the sce is
expected shortly.
Dramatic budget cuts forced RUV to stop the SW relays in late autumn 2001.
For several years now, RUV has been concentrating on different ways of
serving its audience abroad. Both national radio progrs are available in
RealAudio on the Internet, and in 1997/99 RUV commissioned two brand new
and powerful longwave txs which cover most of the North Atlantic, and
reach the largest part of the main target audience outside of the island:
the huge Icelandic fishery fleet.
The daily relays of the RUV main newscasts on SW were considered to be a
relic from the past. But these relays do have a constant audience (ships
outside of the longwave coverage, Icelandic tourists and others), and it
is this audience which started an intensive lobbying campaign for a
continuation of the SW txions.
Telecommunications Centre. RUV does not have its own SW txs; the relays
are carried out by the utility facilities at the Gufunes
Telecommunications Centre of Iceland Telecom in Reykjavik. The Icelandic
PTT started to relay RUV txions on SW in their present form around 1973.
The Telecom Centre includes the main control centre at Gufunes on the
eastern outskirts of Reykjavik, as well as the txing centre which is
located on a hill 10 km away.
The control centre was built in 1963, and modernised and enlarged in
recent years. From there Iceland Telecom operates maritime, land mobile
and aeronautical communication sces. The staff in Gufunes consists of 42
British Facility. The construction of the txing centre is linked with the
days of WW II. Iceland was part of the Danish Empire, when in May 1940
British troops entered the island in a step to prevent an occupation by
Germany, and took over all communications facilities. Initially, all
wireless traffic went through the Icelandic Nat Telegraph Stn near the
airport in downtown Reykjavik, but the need for a larger facility grew,
and the British Command ordered the building of a new centre at the city
border of Reykjavik. It was located in proximity to the (old and now
inactive) LW txing stn of RUV at Vatnsendi. As late as in 1946, two years
after Iceland declared its independence from Denmark, the transmitting
centre was handed over to the Icelandic authorities.
Facilities. The radio hall houses four Marconi and two Collins HF/SSB txs
for maritime communications.
For the RUV relays, two 10 kW Collins txs are used. Collins-1 was
purchased around 1960, but was not used for these SW bcs until about 1980.
The second tx was purchased in Norway in 1995. Each tx has a maximum
output of 45 kW, but is usually run with 10 kW.
There are 7 rhombic antennas in the antenna farm. Two of them are used for
the RUV relays: system 4 and 7. System 4 is intended for txions to NoAM
with a beam of 251 degrees, while System 7 has a beam of 125 degrees for
txions towards EUR. Each system is based on 27 m high wooden masts. These
masts are the original constructions installed by British army specialists
during the 1940s. The txing centre has a staff of four, but is usually
remotely controlled by the master switchboard in Gufunes.
The SW freqs (January 2002 until further notice) are:
To Europe (live):
1215-1300 on 13865
1755-1825 on 11402
To USA (recorded):
1410-1440 on 13860
1835-1905 on 13860
2300-2335 on 11402 All progrs are in Icelandic.
(Based on information from R Netherlands Media Network, supplemented by
information from RUV, edxp Jan 18)
IRELAND [DEUTSCHES REICH] Hitler's Irish Voices: The Story of German
Radio's Wartime Irish Sce (Beyond the Pale Publications, Belfast, 1998).
An interesting historical piece from The Sunday Business Post: Irish army
officers at McKee Barracks in Dublin could scarcely believe their ears
when, at the end of 1939, they tuned into a fluent Irish speaker on R
At first they thought it was some pirate bc from Dublin, or someone's idea
of a bad joke. But the speaker in Berlin, Prof Ludwig Muhlhausen's tone
was deadly earnest as he predicted the imminent defeat of England.
Prof Muhlhausen and Dr Hans Hartmann bc their Irish lang talks on Wed and
Sun nights. Before the war, both men had studied Irish in the Kerry,
Connemara and Donegal Gaeltachts. But why did the Nazi radio bosses in
Berlin bother to put out progrmes in Irish at all?
The answer was German thoroughness. Irish listeners weren't their only
targets radio audiences all over the world were being treated to weekly
doses of Nazi propaganda. In the course of the war, R Berlin bc in no less
than 54 langs, nine more than the BBC could manage.
And, yes, Irish was included in the hope of reaching the hearts and minds
of a people the Germans considered 'anti-British' and who, they hoped,
could be attracted to the idea of a German military victory.
But because they were operating in neutral territory, the Germans had to
tread more carefully than they did in other countries, adopting a
personalised, and less warlike, approach to Irish radio listeners.
Prof Muhlhausen, one of the two weekly bcers, had a habit of sending
greetings over the airwaves to his friends in Ireland. He would read out
birthday and anniversary wishes, once bcing the exam results of one of his
Irish students at Hamburg University, Se'amus 'Kruger' Kavanagh, who had
returned home to Kerry just in time to avoid the outbreak of war in 1939.
In the run up to Christmas 1939, Muhlhausen bc seasonal greetings to a
Donegal teacher, Sean O hEochaidh, who had helped the German professor to
learn Donegal Irish on a visit to Teelin in 1937.
Muhlhausen's good intentions didn't quite have their desired effect. The
morning after the bc, at dawn, Garda special branch officers swooped on O'
hEochaidh's bedroom, demanding to know the exact nature of his
relationship with the German. The Donegal man recalled years later: "When
Muhlhausen named me on the radio the gardai thought I was some sort of
fifth columnist, which I was not."
During 1940, Muhlhausen rejoiced in Luftwaffe raids on En factories and
other enemy targets, assuring his Irish listeners that England would soon
But the Nazi bosses at the 'Haus des Rundfunks' (radio centre) in Berlin
were tiring of Muhlhausen's semi-hysterical rantings in Gaelic.
They guessed, rightly, that his talks were having little or no effect in
Ireland. Students at UCG pilloried the German professor, nicknaming him Dr
Fullhausen. And the only reason they listened to him at all was that his
talks piggybacked onto the end of William 'Lord Haw Haw' Joyce's Sunday
night "Views on the News" bc, which was very popular among west of Ireland
listeners. Joyce had spent most of his youth in Galway as a student of the
Jesuits at the city's St Ignatius College.
In Berlin, plans were afoot to revamp the progrmes to Ireland in the hopes
of attracting a broader listenership, open to the stn's anti-British
rantings. Muhlhausen was duly dispatched to join an SS unit working with
Breton nationalists in occupied France and his assistant, Hans Hartmann,
took over as head of a new nightly sce beginning in 1941. The test txions
for the new sce began on 26 Aug 1941, using the powerful Zeesen tx in
What Irish listeners to the revamped bcs couldn't have known, however, was
just how important they were to the German govt.
Dr Goebbels's propaganda ministry and Joachim von Ribbentrop's foreign
office were both vying for control of the Irish Sce, (Irland Redaktion as
it was known in German.)
The Irish Sce was seen as a jewel in the media crown of whichever
department controlled it, and it was a jewel neither ministry was going to
give up without a fight. To complicate the power struggle, the head of
German Radio's foreign sces, Dr Toni Winkelnkemper, was an SS officer.
For a brief period of five months, from June to Oct 1941, Goebbels had the
upper hand appointing his nominee, Wolfgang Dignowity a 28- year-old
journalism graduate from Chemnitz as head of the Irish Sce.
Unfortunately, Dignowity had never been to Ireland and what he knew about
the country could have been written on the back of a postage stamp. His
"Irish" team was recruited in Paris, and included: a Breton aristocrat,
Alain Keroer; another Frenchman, Jacques Piche, who had worked as a
journalist in America; a Russian woman, Sonja Kowanka, whose family had
fled the 1917 revolution; and a Scotsman, James Blair (whose mother was
Irish), who had been working as a Paris-based stringer for some American
From the outset, the non-'Irish' team's days at the Berlin radio centre
were numbered. Ribbentrop had his eye on the Irish Sce and sent one of his
top Irish experts, Dr Adolf Mahr, to unseat Dignowity.
Mahr, an Austrian Nazi, was on leave of absence from his job as dir of the
National Museum in Dublin, and was close to Von Ribbentrop, whom he met a
number of times when the latter was German ambassador to London between
1936 and 1938. The Austrian drew up a damning report on the
ineffectiveness of the Irish Sce. Dignowity and the two French men were
Mahr produced an 11-page blueprint to revamp the Irish radio unit, turning
it into a nightly bilingual sce in Irish and English. His success was such
that, by 1943, the Ireland-Redaktion was on air for three 20 min segments
every night of the week.
Mahr's report, which was accepted in full by Von Ribbentrop, concluded
that "the overthrow of British imperialism 'will bring with it Ireland's
reunification"' The museum head's spin appealed to Ribbentrop who at the
same time, but through diplomatic channels, was trying to impress upon the
Dublin Govt that post-war Irish unification would be on the cards in the
event of a German victory.
With German Foreign Office backing, Mahr then set about establishing his
Irish radio sce in Berlin. He appointed Hans Hartmann as the new head of
the sce, while Kowanka and Blair were kept on.
Hartmann was intent on presenting a friendly German face to neutral
Ireland, and his progrmes including war communiques, anti-British
invective, flashbacks to Black and Tan atrocities in the Irish War of
Independence, and praise for the Nazi leadership were interspersed with
traditional Irish mx and songs by John McCormack. After the German
invasion of Russia, on 22 June 1941, Hartmann's team bc anti-Soviet
propaganda emphasising the Communist threat to Ireland's Catholic way of
Hartmann himself exhorted his listeners to "keep your neutrality" and kept
stressing the importance of Ireland remaining out of the war. In later
years, he explained his radio talks were based on the fact that Irish
neutrality "was a part of the [German] war aims".
"When de Valera declared his neutrality, Hitler said to himself that that
was the best thing for him. He really wanted to respect Ireland's
neutrality, so long as Ireland was not foolish enough to make some move to
make that difficult for him; to force him into another attitude". In other
words, play ball with Uncle Adolf or you'll be annihilated.
Apart from Hartmann's Irish lang talks, however, there was little about
the Irland-Redaktion that could be called Irish. The only genuine Irish
member of the radio unit at this time was a man called John O'Reilly.
Born in Kerry in 1916, O'Reilly grew up in Kilkee, Co Clare, and arrived
in Berlin during the war, having been recruited by the Germans when they
invaded the Channel Isls.
Behind the scenes, O'Reilly was having fierce rows with Hartmann over what
should and should not be bc to Ireland. The German wanted the Kilkee man
to read extracts from Wolfe Tone's diaries, but O'Reilly argued that such
material would be of no interest to Irish listeners.
O'Reilly was ordered to carry on reading the extracts, while Hartmann also
read them in Irish.
Their uneasy detente lasted a year before, in a fit of frustration,
O'Reilly quit. By late 1942, he could see that Hitler's Russian campaign
was not going to be a blitzkrieg walk-over and so he duped the Germans
into sending him on a spying mission home to Ireland. O'Reilly was
arrested after landing by parachute near Kilkee in Dec 1943 and spent the
rest of the war in Dublin's Arbour Hill prison.
Hartmann had more success with the Irish writer and republican activist,
Francis Stuart.
In 1942, both men were working as lecturers at Berlin University and the
German had little trouble in persuading his colleague to contribute a
weekly talk to Ireland, entitled "Through Irish Eyes".
At around the same time, Hartmann also hired an En woman, Susan Hilton,
who bc under her maiden name of Sweney. Her brother Edward Sweney, from
Oldcastle, Co Meath, remained convinced throughout his life that, being
offered an alternative of incarceration in a camp, she had little choice.
And in 1944, Susan Hilton was locked up in Liebenau internment camp but
managed to survive the war.
Francis Stuart's first talk was bc to Ireland on St. Patrick's Day, 17
March 1942. He stuck close to Hartmann's propaganda line, criticising the
arrival of US troops in Northern Ireland and supporting Irish neutrality:
"What a blessing it is that we are celebrating this day at peace, not
having escaped war by dishonourable and cowardly means, but by refusing,
as far as lay within our power, to waver from a strict and fearless
Stuart supported de Valera's neutrality policy but was less inclined to
support Dev in the run up to the general election of June 1943.
The dissolution of the Dail sparked a wave of election bcs by Stuart who
advised Irish voters to ignore the mainstream parties and vote for extreme
republicans. This was more than de Valera could take. He dispatched his
ambassador in Berlin, William Warnock, to the German Foreign Office to
lodge a protest about this "unwarrantable interference in our internal
The formal complaint put an end to Stuart's election bcs and, in any case,
de Valera won the election. Six months earlier, Stuart had used his weekly
radio talk to praise the IRA's Northern commander, Hugh McAteer. This
prompted a milder protest from de Valera who called in the German
ambassador to Dublin, Eduard Hempel, for a dressing down.
Francis Stuart had a knack of stirring things up on the airwaves. On 15
May 1943, he urged Irish born members of the British Army to mutiny and
join the German or Italian forces. The bc was fraught with danger for
Stuart himself since he could have been hanged for treason after the war
on the basis of his Co Antrim upbringing.
Luckily for him, however, while the BBC monitored the "mutiny" talk they
did not identify Stuart as the speaker (although the Irish Army monitors
Stuart admitted after the war that he had taken a major risk in making
that bc, but he made sure that he was captured by French troops, not
British ones, in order to minimise the possibility of execution.
With the tide of war going against Nazi Germany, time was now running out
for Dr Hartmann's radio team. As the Allies increased their bombing raids
on Berlin, it was decided to move staff from the Rundfunkhaus to the
studios of R Luxembourg in Aug 1943. In Jan 1944, Francis Stuart left the
radio team in protest at increasing pressure to bc anti-Soviet propaganda
(he secretly admired Stalin).
After the D-Day landings in June 1944, the radio staff moved again, to
Apen, a small town in north-west Germany.
By the end of April, American troops were patrolling the fields around
Apen. but Hartmann persisted. His last progrme, including a nx bulletin in
Irish, went out on May 2, 1945. Then there was only time for one more
record, John McCormack singing "Come Back to Erin". It was the sce's
David O'Donoghue is the author of Hitler's Irish Voices:
The Story of German Radio's Wartime Irish Sce
(Beyond the Pale Publications, Belfast, 1998).
(David O'Donoghue, Aug 26, 2001; via Mike Terry, BDXC-UK via DXLD)
I have a copy of this book [Hitler's Irish Voices].
ISBN is 1-900960-04-4. 216 pages as well as over 40 photographs, one of
the appendices has a complete list of all the txs and freqs used by the
sce. Is 7 pounds 95 list price, using
< >
Cheapest internet price was 8 pounds 92 from
<> (Mike Barraclough-UK, BDXC-UK via DXLD Jan 23)
MEXICO Apart from R Educacion 6185, there's another example of current
fair reception 0800-0900+, viz. R Mil, Cd. de Mexico, 6010, e.g. on 14 Jan
0830-0950 f/ out, rated at 35433, airing songs, oldies, sung ID.
(Carlos Goncalves-POR, BC-DX Jan 14)
OMAN R Sultanate of Oman B-01 schedule.
0200-0300 Ar 15355 0200-0400 Ar 6085 0300-0400 En 15355
0400-0600 Ar 9515, 17590 0600-1000 Ar 17630
0600-1400 Ar 13640 1400-1500 En 15140 1400-1800 Ar 15375
1500-1800 Ar 15140 1800-2000 Ar 6190, 15355
2000-2200 Ar 6085 2000-2300 Ar 13640 2300-0200 Ar 9760
Postal addr: R Sultanate of Oman, P.O.Box 600, 113 Muscat, Oman.
(Ramon Vazquez Dourado, Conexion via WWDXC-HQ DX Magazine, Nov 25 2001)
PALESTINE Voice of Palestine.
Israeli troops today seized the official Palestinian tv and radio bcing
building and then set off a controlled explosion setting the complex on
But only hours after the Israeli operation in the West Bank town of
Ramallah, Palestinian bcing sces managed to return to the airwaves. The
VoPalestine began bcing from a small, private Palestinian radio stn in
Ramallah, while Palestine tv used alternative facilities in the Gaza
The Israeli action came a day after tanks surrounded Yasser Arafat at his
headquarters in another part of Ramallah, with some moving to within a few
meters (yards) of the gate of the compound.
The moves are part of the Israeli response to a Thurs night attack by a
Palestinian gunman who killed six people and wounded dozens at a bat
mitzvah celebration.
Before dawn today, about a dozen Israeli tanks surrounded the hilltop
bcing building, and Israeli soldiers entered the four-story complex. The
Palestinians had evacuated the building before the soldiers arrived and
there were no confrontations, witnesses said. The soldiers confiscated
equipment and then blew up the premises.
A couple hours later, a huge blast went off inside the building. Flames
engulfed the building's top floor and quickly spread to lower floors. By
the time the fire was extinguished, the entire building was blackened. No
one was allowed inside for fear that the building could collapse.
The Israeli army said in a statement that it had confiscated equipment
before blowing up the building.
New Israeli crime against the Palestinian Bcing Corporation. This crime
constitutes a serious violation of the Oslo Agreements and a flagrant
infringement on the Universal Declaration on Human Rights.
By committing this deplorable crime, Sharon's govt aims to silence the
Palestinian voice and prevent the world from knowing about the crimes
committed by the Israeli occupiers against Palestine people, land,
institutions and Christian and Muslim sacred places.
"This is a criminal action," said Ahmed Abdel Rahman, the Palestinian
cabinet secretary. He called the demolition part of a larger Israeli
effort to destroy the Palestinian Authority.
Israel has frequently accused the Palestinian Authority of using its
television and radio facilities to bc inflammatory reports and comments
that it says fuel the Middl East conflict.
Palestinian Bcing says its material reflects the mood among Palestinians.
(The Independent, via R Wilkner-USA Jan 19, DXplorer)
Israeli soldiers set off an explosion in the offices of Palestinian radio
and tv in the West Bank Saturday in retaliation for an attack by a
Palestinian gunman that left six Israelis dead.
Under cover of darkness and backed by tanks, Israeli soldiers took over
the VoPalestine building in the West Bank town of Ramallah.
The soldiers confiscated some equipment, then detonated explosives inside
the building, setting it on fire and destroying much of the complex.
The VoPalestine renewed radio bcs from a smaller, private stn in the West
Hours later, Israeli F-16 warplanes destroyed a govt complex in the West
Bank town of Tulkarem, and tightened the siege around Chairman Yasser
Arafat's headquarters in Ramallah.
Palestinians described the destruction of their bcing facilities as a
crime and an attack on Palestinian sovereignty.
A close advisor to Mr. Arafat, Nabil Abu Rudeineh, accused the Israeli
govt of destroying all hopes of returning to the peace process.
"This Israeli escalation is aiming to damage the peace process and to
damage any effort to safeguard the peace process. We hope that the world
community, the United States, would put enough pressure on the Israelis to
stop this escalation and this aggression, because everybody will lose in
this confrontation," he said.
Israel demolished one of Voice of Palestine's txion towers and another
building last month, but the stn continued to bc on local freqs in the
West Bank and Gaza. (Later reports said the stn has returned from private
facilities). (VOA Jan 19, via Mike Terry, BDXC-UK via DXLD)
Radwan Abu-Ayyash, head of the Palestinian R and TV Corpor, told Al-
Jazeera TV on 19 January this was "not the first time that VoPalestine has
been attacked."
"Before that," Abu-Ayyash said, "the radio's txion towers in Al-Irsal Road
were bombed. And, several times before, they destroyed the infrastructure
of this radio. We say that this voice can only silenced when there are no
Palestinians left on the surface of this earth."
Asked what they would do without a radio stn, Abu-Ayyash said: "We have
not stopped. We are still on the air. We are transmitting on an FM
frequency. The television is still functioning. The satellite channel is
still functioning. The question is not that of the building, but the
symbol, which represents Palestinian sovereignty. They do not want any
symbols of freedom or Palestinian sovereignty on this land."
Asked to estimate the extent of the damage to the Palestinian R and TV
Corpor headquarters, Abu-Ayyash said: "You cannot put a value to this
damage. This was the result of 10 years of ceaseless work by good
Palestinian youth. Equipment worth millions of dollars was completely
Asked what steps the Palestinian Television and R Corporation intended
next, Abu-Ayyash replied: "We will work in three directions. First, we
will resume our work immediately, even better than before. We pledge this
to every Palestinian. Second, we will contact all Arab and foreign friends
and all people to ask them to raise their voices against this destructive
war machine. Third, we will build an even better building, God willing."
(BBC M via DXLD, Jan 19)
[CdS] What is the cost of the damage done by the explosion?
[Abu-Ayyash] It is difficult to put a figure on it right now. The final
figure might come to more than 1m euros. The building is damaged and we
have to see whether it is going to be possible to restructure it. All our
equipment has been destroyed.
[CdS] How many people work at the "Voice of Palestine"?
[Abu-Ayyash] We have a staff of 1,200 people in total, some 300 of whom
worked in this building. Then, in addition to them, there are the
technicians and journalists in our Gaza office.
[CdS] And what is your editorial line?
[Abu-Ayyash] Our aim is to inform the Palestinian people, to explain to
them what is going on all around them. We seek not only to provide the nx
but also to impart a fresh boost to culture. Come and see, look at our
offices, and you will realize that we are not sheltering Bin-Ladin.
(Corriere della Sera, via BBCM via DXLD, Jan 20)
Andy Sennitt writes: On 19 Jan the Israeli army destroyed the Headquarters
of the VoPalestine for the second time in about six weeks. But press
reports over the past couple of days have varied widely in accuracy about
what happened next, and again we have seen the worst of popular
journalists using technical terms they don't understand in completely the
wrong way. So, depending on what newspaper you read, the stn is back on
the air with 'limited bandwidth' or using 'limited range AM' - just two of
the things we've seen in the past 24 hrs.
In fact, the best way to find out what's going on is to consult a Web site
with close contacts in the area. We looked at Palestine-Net
the day after the incident, which reported that "after the Israeli
occupation blew up the Palestinian R and TV building (Jan. 19, 2002), the
VoPalestine is now heard on radio Amwaj". That's a private stn (described
in one Israeli newspaper as a 'pirate' stn) operating on FM in Ramallah.
Yet 24 hrs later, some nx sources are still reporting that the PBC is back
on the air from a "secret location". For secret, read 'we haven't bothered
to find out. It took me about 90 seconds, at home, on a Sunday, to locate
the information.
The destruction of the radio and TV studio facility in Ramallah has not
silenced the tv sce, as it was not the main production centre. The
headquarters is in Gaza, which so far is still operating normally.
However, the four hrs per day of progrming that was produced on the West
Bank has been lost. It remains to be seen whether the Israelis will
attempt to destroy the transmitting facilities, as they did the main MW
mast of the VoPalestine in Dec 2001.
({c} RNWMN via Mike Terry, BDXC-UK via DXLD, Jan 21)
Here's some info on Palestine R web sites: So far, I've found two:
R Tariq Al Mahabeh on 97.7 and 108.0 FM, web site at
VOLP - Voice of Love and Peace on 94.2 FM, web site at
<> Both offer live RM-streams.
(Pentti Lintujaervi-FIN, hcdx Jan 21)
EU will protest against the blasts and will call for compensate payment
from Israel Government too. EU states financed 'the now blasted' Palestine
installations by 20 Mill EURO (amongst them Germany, Spain, and Sweden
payed 9.3 Mill EURO alone).
[EU headquarter Brussels in German newspaper via wb, Jan 23]
VATICAN CITY Complete B-01 MW and SW schedule of Vatican Radio until 28
March 2002. Targets in detail by graphics designed by R. Vatican on their
0240 FRENCH 9660-F
0310 ENGLISH 9660-F
0340 KISWAHILI 9660-F 11625-F
0405 AMHARIC, TIGR. 9660-F 11625-F
0430 FRENCH 9660-G 11625-FG
0500 ARABIC 1260 9645-E 11715-E
0500 ENGLISH 9660-G 11625-FG 15570-F
0530 PORTUGUESE 11625-I 13765-G 15570-FG
0600 FRENCH 11625-HI 13765-H 15570-G
0630 MASS IN LATIN 527 1530 9645-HI 15595-E
0630 ENGLISH 11625-HI 13765-H 15570-G
0700 ITALIAN, FRENCH, ENGLISH W 527 1530 9645-HI 15595-E
0745 ARABIC W 1530 7250-G 9645-HI 15595-E
1100 ANGELUS 7 H 527 1530 15595-E 21850-FG
1130 MASS IN ENGLISH 5 15595-E 17515-E
1300 ITALIAN 527 15595-E 21850-FG
1550 MASS IN ENGLISH 6 13765-D 15235-D
1613 KISWAHILI 1,2,3,4,5,7 15570-F 17515-F
1620 SOMALI 6 15570-F 17515-F
1630 ARABIC 1260 11625-E 15595-E
1635 AMHARIC, TIGR. 15570-F 17515-F
1700 FRENCH 15570-F 17515-FG
1730 ENGLISH 13765-F 15570-FG 17515-G
1800 PORTUGUESE 13765-I 15570-FG 17515-G
1900 SPANISH 6 9660-G 11625-HI
1940 ROSARY 527 1530 9660-G 11625-E+HI 13765-H
2000 ENGLISH 9660-G 11625-HI 13765-H
2030 FRENCH 9660-G 11625-HI 13765-H
2145 ARABIC 1530 5885-G 7250-HI
0030 PORTUGUESE 1260 7305-I 9605-IL
0100 SPANISH 1260 7305-I 9605-L 11910-IL
0145 SPANISH 7305-IL 9605-M 11910-L
0230 FRENCH 7305-MN 9605-M
0250 ENGLISH 7305-MN 9605-M
0315 SPANISH 7305-MN 9605-M
1000 PORTUGUESE W 1260 21850-I
1130 SPANISH W 1260 21850-I
Asia, AUS, NZL:
0500 ARABIC 1260 9645-E 11715-E
0630 MASS IN LATIN 527 1530 15595-E
0700 ITALIAN, FRENCH, ENGLISH W 527 1530 15595-E
0745 ARABIC W 1530 15595-E
1100 ANGELUS 7 H 527 1530 15595-E 21850-CD
1130 MASS IN ENGLISH 5 15595-E 17515-E
1230 CHINESE 1,2,3,4,5,7 6020 15235-C 17515-C
1230 MASS IN CHINESE 6 6020 15235-C 17515-C
1300 ITALIAN 527 15595-E
1315 VIETNAMESE 6205 17515-D
1450 HINDI/TAMIL/MAL./ENGLISH 9865 13765-D 15235-D
1550 MASS IN ENGLISH 6 9865 13765-D 15235-D
1630 ARABIC 1260 11625-E 15595-E
1700 FRENCH - ENGLISH 527 1530 15595-E
1940 ROSARY 527 1530 11625-E
2200 CHINESE 6205 7305-C 9600-C
We and CeEurope, ME:
0330 SLOVENIAN 1530-CD 4005-BC
0350 CROATIAN 1530-CD 4005-BC
0410 CZECH 1530-AB 4005-BC 5885
0425 SLOVAK 1530-AB 4005-BC 5885
0440 HUNGARIAN 1530-AB 4005 5885
0500 POLISH 1530-AB 4005 5885 7250-AB
0520 GERMAN 1530-AB 4005 5885 7250-AB
0540 FRENCH 1530 4005 5885 7250-MN
0600 ENGLISH 1530 4005 5885 7250-MN
0620 ITALIAN 527 1530 4005 5885 6185-BC 7250-MN
0630 MASS IN LATIN 527 1530 4005 5885 6185-BC 7250-MN 9645-HI
11740-LM 15595-E
0700 ITALIAN - FRENCH - ENGLISH W 527 1530 4005 5885-MN 6185-BC
7250-MN 9645-HI 11740-LM 15595-E
0710 RUMANIAN LITURGY 7 H 7250-C 9645-C
0745 ARABIC W 1530 5885-MN 7250-G 9645-HI 15595-E
0830 MASS IN ITALIAN 7 H 527 7250-A
0842 PAPAL AUDIENCE 3 527 5885
0900 SPANISH 1,2,4,5,6 527 5885
0930 ORIENTAL LITURGY 7 H 11740-C 15595-E 17515-D
1000 ENGLISH 1,2,4,5,6 527 5885
1100 ITALIAN W 527 5885
1100 ANGELUS 7 H 527 1530 5885 9645-MN 11740-MN+C 15595-E 21850-FG+CD
1130 ITALIAN 7 H 527 5885
1200 FRENCH W 527 5885
1300 ITALIAN 527 5885 9645-MN 11740-MN 15595-E 21850-FG
1400 SPANISH 527 1260 9645-L 11740-L
1415 PORTUGUESE 1260 9645-L 11740-L
1500 GERMAN - POLISH 5885 7250-AB 9645-B
1530 MUSIC - ITALIAN 1,2,3,4,6,7-5 5885 7250-A 9645-MN
1600 VESPERS 5885 7250-A 9645-MN
1630 ITALIAN 527 1530 5885 7250-A 9645-MN
1700 FRENCH - ENGLISH 527 1530 4005 5885 7250-MN 9645-MN 15595-E
1730 SLOVENIAN 1530-CD 4005 5885 7250-B
1750 CROATIAN 1530-CD 4005 5885 7250-B
1810 HUNGARIAN 1467 1530-AB 4005 5885-B 7250-B
1830 CZECH 1467 1530-AB 4005 5885-B 7250-B
1845 SLOVAK 1467 1530-AB 4005 5885-B 7250-B
1900 POLISH 1467 1530-AB 4005 5885-B 7250-AB
1920 GERMAN 1467 1530-AB 4005 5885-B 7250-AB
1940 ROSARY 527 1530 4005 5885-MN 6185-C 11625-E
2000 ITALIAN 527 1530 4005 5885-NA
2020 ESPERANTO 7 H 527 1530 4005 5885-NA
2030 FRENCH 527 1530 4005 5885-NA 7250-MN
2050 ENGLISH 527 1530 4005 5885-NA 7250-MN
2110 SPANISH 527 1530-L 4005 5885-L 7250-L
2130 PORTUGUESE 1530-L 4005 5885-L 7250-L
2145 ARABIC 1530 4005 5885-G 7250-HI
2200 ITALIAN 527 1530 4005 5885-NA
2230 ITALIAN 527 1530 4005 5885-NA
2250 ESPERANTO 7 527 1530 4005 5885-NA
2300 ITALIAN 527 1530 4005 5885-NA
0310 ARMENIAN 1260 7345-D 9645-D
0330 RUSSIAN 1260 6185-B 7345-C 9645-CD
0400 UKRAINIAN 1260 6185-C 7345-C
0420 BYELORUSSIAN 1260 6185-B 7345-B
0440 LITHUANIAN 1260 6185-B 7345-B
0500 LATVIAN 6185-B 7345-B
0520 RUMANIAN 1611 6185-CD 7345-CD
0540 BULGARIAN 1611 6185-CD 7345-CD
0600 SCANDINAVIAN 1260 1611 7345-A 9645-A
0620 ALBANIAN 1260 1611
0715 UKRAINIAN LITURGY 7 H 1611 9850-C 11740-C
1330 RUSSIAN 1260 13765-BC 15595-BC
1650 ARMENIAN 1611 9585-D 11715-D
1710 RUSSIAN 1611 6210 7365-B 9585-C 11715-CD
1740 UKRAINIAN 1611 7365-C 9585-C
1800 BYELORUSSIAN 1260 1611 7365-B 9585-B
1820 LITHUANIAN 1260 1611 7365-B 9585-B
1840 LATVIAN 1260 1611 7365-B 9585-B
1900 RUMANIAN 1260 1611 6185-CD 7365-CD
1920 BULGARIAN 1260 1611 6185-CD 7365-CD
1940 SCANDINAVIAN 1260 1611 7250-A 9645-A
1940 ROSARY 527 1530 6185-C
2000 ALBANIAN 1260 1611 7250-A 9645-A
2020 ITALIAN/ENGLISH 1 1260 1611 9645-A
2020 ESPERANTO 3,4 1260 1611 7250-A 9645-A
2020 PHILIPPINE 5 1260 1611
2100 RUSSIAN 1260 7305-BC 9585-BC
W = Weekdays; H= Holidays;
1 = Mon.; 2 = Tues.; 3 = Wed.; 4 = Thu.; 5 = Fri.; 6 = Sat.; 7 = Sun.
(Vatican R webpage last-modified 11 Dec 2001, via JKB WWDXC DX Magazine)